Seamless integration for effortless control.
Efficient access management for complete security.
Always available support for uninterrupted operations.
Access Control Integration

The iAccess Gateway both reads and writes from/to your Paxton system so that data can be presented back in your IPS system.
This includes functionality such as viewing events and alerts, a photo display of users as they make an access attempt, a customisable email alert system dictated by Paxton events, and visualisation of your access trends.
Web based – Manage and Control your Paxton systems from one central URL, utilising AD log ins with full event log and reporting for ease of access and system control. Integrates and manages multiple Paxton servers
– currently an issue where multiple servers are deployed in a single organisation
For more information download the iACCESS brochure below
ID Card Production System

An ID Card Software that uses Mifare technology to provide a one-card solution to your company.
Saving your organisation money for any additional ID cards, software, and avoids input replication and staff time.
The information entered is collated when someone starts employment, a visitor signs in, a contractor arrives onsite or students enrols onto a course.
For more information download the iCARD brochure below
Phone application for checking students

iMark is a handheld lightweight application which reads NFC cards and presents relevant data to the operator from a Phone or Tablet.
iMark allows staff on in an educational setting to scan a learners ID Card and gives instant live information on the phone or tablet of the students timetable, details, and emergency contact details
For more information download the iMARK brochure below
Cashless and Free School Meal PoS System

Our Cashless catering system is fully customisable to your operational needs
This includes functionality as full reporting, alerts and all the standard features expected from a PoS system .
Web based and managed means the system can be access and configured anywhere on your site.
AD Directory Creation and Control System

Takes any data feed you have and automates the process of Active Directory managment.
Saving your organisation money by automated a recurring event.

Why Choose Us?
We are a team of software engineers and developers, operating for over for 14 years, we love all things technical whilst also being very susceptive to non technical end user requirements. All our software is built in our London office and we love to rise to a challenge.